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  • Writer's pictureTyler Mackner

Weekly update 1

I'm splitting this into Character Actions to make it easier to organize

Solidus: sent Asterios a message to check hes Twitter and a message to Fedora and others about a YouTube account named Dad

Solid: nothing

Liquid: a lawyer advertisement, a order to kill all rabid creatures after a few bit hes arm and a email about a Trip he and Nile are going on to Upstate New York to see hes relative graduate from college

Skye: nothing

Nile: Sends Avis and Asterios Boss a joke email about why Liquid decided to have the last laugh and gets dragged into Liquid's plan to see hes relative graduate from college

Avis: sends emails to Asterios Boss talking about Niles joke and how Asterios Boss's friend sounds just like him

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